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03-7955 5561
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
ISPM Training
Improve Your Skills & Knowledge in Plantation Industry with ISPM
+603-7955 5561
Kemahiran Pengurusan Operasi dan Perbelanjaan Ladang
Best Practices in Oil Palm Mechanisation & Automation
Kawalan Rumpai Bersepadu Di Ladang
A New Paradigm Shift to Managing Plantation
Replanting & Cultivation of Oil Palm
Design and Builds KPIs: Practical Application of KPIs in Plantation Management
Oil Palm Fruit Harvesting, Evacuation, Mechanical Infield Collection & Road Maintenance
Best Practices for Maintenance of Immature Oil Palms
Training on Pest & Disease and Nutrition Management in Oil Palm Plantation
Pengurusan Kerja Berkesan bagi Penyelia Ladang
Replanting and Cultivation of Oil Palm
Replanting and Cultivation of Oil Palm
Yield and Productivity Improvement Through Applied Mechanisation
Water Management in Plantation
Lining Planting Points for Oil Palm Replanting
Estate Managers Leadership for high Performance – for plantation Managers/Executives
Problem Solving & Decision Making: Using KT Methodology
Pengurusan Kewangan ladang – Bajet, Pemantauan Perbelanjaan & Kawalan Kos
Replanting and Cultivation of Oil Palm (Sime Darby Plantation Technology Centre)
Oil Palm Nursery Establishment & Management (Sime Darby Plantation Technology Centre)
Oil Palm Nursery Establishment & Management (Sime Darby Plantation Research)
Oil Palm Nursery Establishment & Management
Water Management in Plantation (IOI Plantation Services Sdn. Bhd)
Cost Reduction Technique in Plantation
Best Practices for Maintenance of Immature Oil Palms (Sime Darby Plantation Research)
Kawalan Produktiviti Fizikal Operasi Ladang
Effective Management of Ganoderma
Best Practices for Maintenance of Immature Oil Palms
Perfecting Managerial Talent for Assistant Managers (Kim Loong Resources Berhad)
Weed Management and Water & Soil Conservation Practices in Oil Palm Plantation
Water Management in Plantation
Replanting and Cultivation of Oil Palm
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in Palm Oil Industry
Cost Reduction Technique in Plantation (local and international participants)
Best Practices in Oil Palm Mechanisation & Automation
Certificate in Plantation Management for Assistant Managers
PENILAIAN IMPAK SOSIAL – Pengurusan Sosial & Kebajikan Komuniti Ladang
Oil Palm Nursery Establishment & Management
MSPO – Internal Audit Training Program